How the HLFT Process Works

Step 1) Consultation

All inquires received are followed up with a consultation call. This call allows us to get a better idea of what your needs are and an opportunity for you, as the client, to interact with HLFT before we start on your lifestyle journey. We brief you on our values in Health and Fitness, as it's important to know who you're hiring for such an individualized experience.

Step 2) Movement Screening

A movement screening before starting on any physical fitness program is essential. The movement screening allows us to identify if you are dealing with any past or present injuries, flexibility limitations or movement dysfunctions. In our everyday lives, we rarely check in with our bodies to see if everything is aligned correctly or if the pains we've gotten used to are really necessary. We at HLFT take you through a series of movements, which then will allow us to develop a corrective program as needed. The quicker the dysfunctions/limitations are corrected, the quicker the difficulty levels of your exercise can advance!

Step 3) Fitness and Health Assessment

In the fitness and health assessment, we discuss any current health conditions you may be facing. At HLFT we also like to get an idea of hurdles you may have hit in the past in terms of your fitness journey and how we can set you up for better success heading into the new programming with us. You know the saying, "Health is wealth"? Completely applicable here! Fitness is about more than improving what's on the outside.

Step 4) Nutrition Overview

Conversation around nutritional habits is usually the least favorite step for most, but arguably the most important. Nutrition takes a lot of discipline, but is responsible for up to 80% of the results you get! We spend this part of the consultation talking to you about your daily eating routine as well as what that should look like going forward. We work to identify any obvious deterrents that could potentially affect your results and come to a common ground on what will work best for you. We discuss the importance of caloric intake goals as well as what macronutrients are and why we care about them.